


Multiple Narrators

The Trapped Girl

The Trapped Girl is the fourth book in the Tracy Crosswhite series, one of my favorite series from one of my favorite authors.  Have I oversold it yet?  Robert Dugoni does an excellent job creating interesting crimes that never have an... Continue Reading →

The Night Bird

The Night Bird was fantastically twisty, incredibly creepy and undeniably un-put-downable.  I am very picky when it comes to crime/police procedurals,  so I try to do a fair amount of review research before I start one.  The Night Bird had... Continue Reading →

Her Every Fear

I LOVE PETER SWANSON.  Seriously.  I burned through The Kind Worth Killing and The Girl With a Clock for a Heart in 2016 (I will get reviews up for them, too...I've been slowly catching up reviewing last year's books).  After... Continue Reading →

Reconstructing Amelia

Reconstructing Amelia was a thoroughly entertaining read.  Kate is at work one day when she receives a call from her daughter’s school asking her to come over immediately.  When she arrives, she is handed debilitating news: her daughter Amelia is... Continue Reading →

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