Obviously, every network and streaming service seems to have some kind of super hero show nowadays, and FX just blasted onto the scene and annihilated them all on its first try.  Okay, maybe Netflix’s slew of Marvel characters rank up there with Legion, but nothing else does.  Noah Hawley, the producer behind another FX beloved, Fargo, is back at it with this dreamy, mind bending psychological thriller.

As an avid book reader, but just as passionate tv watcher, I often compare and contrast the two mediums as I switch back and forth between them.  Through a distinctly controlled flashback, flash forward sequencing, Hawley introduces you to David Haller so fluidly that it feels like you are reading David’s exact thoughts and experiences, something I find more frequently in books.  The jumping around between memories feels as authentic as walking through someone’s mind while they try to process what is happening to them.  Which is perfect for the beginning of this show, as David tries to piece together exactly what is real and what is fake in his reality.

The first episode keeps you engaged for its full hour and a half as more and more questions are introduced.  By the end, you have a firmer grip on where the story is headed than when you started, but you are still left asking hundreds of questions, which for me, is one of my favorite hallmarks in any plot.  I was pissed that I couldn’t binge my way through the whole first season and that I had a week of waiting before I would learn more.

If you are a fan of psychological thrillers, the superhero sub-genre, fantastic visual effects and an incredibly focused and detailed directing aesthetic, stop everything you are doing and go start Legion.